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Cannaline for Pets CBD Oil for Cats 3% Relaxed kitty, happy home

Premium Care for Your Pet

Give your cat the relaxation and well-being it deserves with CBD oil from Cannaline. This 3% CBD oil is specially formulated for cats and contains high-quality cannabidiol (CBD) to support the body's natural balance. Thanks to its natural chicken flavor, your furry friend will love it.

Supports relaxation and mental well-being
Helps with stress and anxiety
Promotes healthy skin and coat
100% natural ingredients with no artificial additives
Certified by the Institute for State Control of Veterinary Biologicals and Medicines

Content: 10 ml (300 mg CBD)
Suitable for all cat breeds

Give your cat the best – Cannaline CBD oil is the perfect choice for a calmer and happier life for your pet.

Kód: C1078
EAN: 8594200571078
Brutto váha: 41 g / pc
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